
admin 阅读:535 2024-05-09 11:52:03 评论:0

Title: The Translation of "结局" into English

In English, the word "结局" can be translated as "ending" or "conclusion." It refers to the final part of a story, a movie, a play, or any narrative or situation. The choice between "ending" and "conclusion" depends on the context in which "结局" is used.

If "结局" is used in the context of a story, a novel, or a movie, "ending" is more appropriate. For example, "这个故事有一个意外的结局" can be translated as "This story has a surprising ending."

On the other hand, if "结局" is used to describe the result or outcome of a situation or event, "conclusion" is a better fit. For instance, "谈判的结局是一项历史性的协议" can be translated as "The conclusion of the negotiation is a historic agreement."

It's important to consider the specific context and meaning of "结局" in order to choose the most suitable translation. Both "ending" and "conclusion" effectively convey the idea of a final outcome, but their usage varies based on the context.

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