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Title: Translation of Car Exterior Features


When it comes to translating the term "汽车外观" (qìchē wàiguān) into English, it refers to the exterior appearance or design of a car. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive translation of different aspects related to the car's exterior features. This will enable you to effectively communicate these concepts in English.

Translation of Common Car Exterior Features:

1. 车身形状 (chēshēn xíngzhuàng) Body Shape:

The term "车身形状" refers to the overall shape or silhouette of a car. It can be translated as "body shape" or "vehicle silhouette."

2. 前脸 (qiánliǎn) Front Fascia:

"前脸" is commonly used to describe the front face of a car, including the grille, headlights, and bumper. It can be translated as "front fascia" or "front end."

3. 尾灯 (wěidēng) Tail Lights:

"尾灯" refers to the rear lights of a car. It can be translated as "tail lights" or "rear lights."

4. 轮毂 (lúngǔ) Wheel Rims:

"轮毂" specifically refers to the rims of the wheels. The translation for this term is "wheel rims" or simply "rims."

5. 轮胎 (lúntāi) Tires:

"轮胎" represents the rubber covering on the wheels. It can be translated as "tires" or "tyres."

6. 车漆 (chēqī) Car Paint:

The term "车漆" refers to the paint or coating on the car's exterior. It can be translated as "car paint" or "vehicle coating."

7. 侧视镜 (cèshìjìng) Side Mirrors:

"侧视镜" is commonly used to describe the side mirrors of a car. It can be translated as "side mirrors" or "wing mirrors."

8. 车窗 (chēchuāng) Windows:

"车窗" refers to the windows of a car. It can simply be translated as "windows."

9. 行李箱 (xínglǐxiāng) Trunk:

"行李箱" represents the storage compartment at the rear of a car. It can be translated as "trunk," "boot," or "luggage compartment."

Translation Examples:

Example 1:

English: The car's sleek body shape catches everyone's attention.

Translation: 这辆车流线型的车身形状吸引了所有人的注意力。

Example 2:

English: The LED tail lights enhance the car's modern aesthetics.

Translation: LED尾灯增强了这辆车的现代美感。

Example 3:

English: The stylish alloy wheel rims add a touch of elegance to the car.

Translation: 时尚的合金轮毂为这辆车增添了一丝优雅。


In conclusion, when translating "汽车外观" (qìchē wàiguān) into English, it is important to consider the specific car exterior feature being described. By using the provided translations, you can accurately convey the concept of car exterior features in English conversations or written materials.

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