
admin 阅读:26 2024-05-04 12:24:37 评论:0

Encountering You: A Joyful Encounter

Encountering you brings a smile to my face,

A moment where time slows its pace.

In your presence, joy finds its place,

A feeling of warmth, an embrace.

Your laughter, a melody sweet and true,

Like a gentle breeze on a morning dew.

In your eyes, a sparkle, a view,

A world of wonders, a sky so blue.

With every word, a story unfolds,

Of dreams and adventures, untold.

In your company, life's mysteries hold,

A journey of discovery, so bold.

In moments shared, bonds are made,

Of memories cherished, never to fade.

In your embrace, fears cascade,

A sanctuary found, in the light you've laid.

So here's to you, a friend so dear,

In your presence, there's naught to fear.

For in encountering you, it's clear,

Joy finds a home, forever near.

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