
admin 阅读:221 2024-04-27 14:57:31 评论:0

  • Warehouse: This is the most common and direct translation for "货仓". A warehouse is a large building or space where goods are stored before being distributed or sold.
  • Storage Facility: This term is broader and can refer to any place where items are stored, including warehouses, storage units, or facilities designed for specific types of goods storage.
  • Storehouse: Similar to a warehouse, a storehouse is a building or facility where goods are kept for future use or distribution.

When choosing the most appropriate translation, consider the context in which "货仓" is being used and select the term that best conveys the intended meaning. If the focus is on commercial storage for distribution purposes, "warehouse" is likely the best choice. However, if the emphasis is on general storage or historical contexts, "storage facility" or "storehouse" may be more suitable.

In summary, the translation of "货仓" into English can be "warehouse," "storage facility," or "storehouse," depending on the specific context and usage.

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